Sunday, 27 December 2009

Making Interactive Plots with Flot

I've been working on a demonstration web site of a meningitis case reporting system in Africa. The current demo uses OpenLayers to show a map of the spatial distribution of cases, and a couple of PNG plots generated from R to show the cases in time for a particular area. One plot showed the cases for the past year, and one was a plot of the previous four weeks with our prediction of the next four weeks cases (plus 95% confidence interval).

But I thought these were a bit static. So I thought I'd add a bit more functionality. Options? Well, I could use my imagemap package for R to create hotspot areas on the plot so users can hover over points and get information, or click on points to zoom to epidemic predictions and so on. But I decided to try a Javascript plotting library instead. There's a few out there, and I settled on using Flot - although jqPlot looks pretty capable too.

Flot lets you plot lines, points and bars, and you can make filled areas by constructing a data series that goes along the top and back along the bottom, completing a polygon. You can shade and style the points and lines, and you get a legend. If your X-axis is time, you can feed it milliseconds and get dates. Here's what I've got to start with:

The buttons at the bottom control the time period. By clicking on 'Prediction', the user can zoom in to see the most recent few weeks, plus our two- and four-week predictions with 50% and 95% confidence interval. Flot also lets you add hover and click events to points:

Here we're showing that our 2-week ahead prediction has a 92% chance of exceeding our 10-case threshold.

Flot also allows zooming in on plots. See that earlier peak around July? We can select that area:

and Flot can show that time period in detail:

All very nice. I've note tested this on Internet Explorer yet, but jQuery and Flot should hide browser-specifics from the author so it should work. This all worked out pretty smoothly, except for a few problems. The biggest one is that if the user resizes the browser window, the plot doesn't resize properly. Not a problem if your DIV element has a fixed width, but I had width: 80% in my CSS. The fix was to redo the plot on a resize event of the window. In jQuery, that's:

                      plot = $.plot(plotDiv, d, options );

If anyone wants some more code, or the full example, then just ask!


1 comment:

  1. You wouldn't have your code around 95% intervals with flot published anywhere would you?

